How Sleep Impacts Insulin Levels and Metabolism

Every time we eat, we release insulin into our bodies. This hormone’s main role is to move sugar from our circulatory system into our cells, making it an anabolic hormone; or a hormone that builds. In states of insulin resistance, seen frequently in overweight people and women with PCOS, insulin levels are chronically high.

As a result, these chronically high insulin levels leave the body in longer “insulin storage” periods. This makes it easier to put on weight, and much harder to lose it.

The best way to reduce insulin levels to support a healthy weight is to make dietary changes. Primarily, this means eating foods that don’t spike insulin. Learn more about these types of foods in Dr. Fiona’s blog here.

In addition to dietary changes, some people can benefit from specific supplements, which you can also read more about here.

Some individuals hit a plateau in their weight loss goals despite eating the right foods and taking the right supplements. As you can imagine, this can be incredibly frustrating! In these individuals, looking at the importance of sleep in regulating insulin levels and metabolic function can be the missing ingredient in their weight loss journey.