Top 3 Supplements to Improve Egg Quality

Recently I wrote an article detailing the many factors that impact egg quality and egg reserve as well as how these can be estimated using blood work and imaging. If you haven’t read this article, go back and read it first here before diving into how to improve egg quality!

Has egg quality been identified as a contributor to your fertility journey? If so, many supplements have been found to make an impact. The majority of these supplements work primarily as antioxidants, reducing the oxidative damage that impacts egg health. Oxidative damage is one of the primary reasons that eggs reduce in quality. This is in addition to age, poor diet and lifestyle choices, and autoimmune disease such as endometriosis.

Remember that a key window of the maturation of an ovarian follicle takes around 3 months. As a result, it can take a similar period to improve egg quality, though you may see some improvements along the way. Folliculogenesis – the process of the follicle maturing from its tiniest state — starts around a year in advance so the earlier you work on this the better!